There is a buzz in the air as February rolls in. I’ve been presses for time and have been out of touch with my blog for over a month now. I apologize and will try and get more of my thoughts down as this season opens up.
- Let’s get it started..! -
There are many reasons to be excited about February. Cowtown is right around the corner. This will be my fourth year doing Cowtown. This year I drop back down to the ½ marathon distance. I’m eager to give the new course a try.
Frost Yer Fanny, a duathlon at the Texas Motor Speedway is also this month. This year the event is the Regional Duathlon Championship event. I guarantee there will be a lot of fast people out there at this one. I hope to see many of you out there.
Bicycles, Inc. in Arlington is playing host to a Tri Expo. Their guest speaker for the evening is Jarrod Shoemaker , U.S. Olympian Triathlete and a 2009 ITU Duathlon World Champion. If your Wed. evening on Feb. 15th is open I highly recommend coming to listen to him speak.
- Injuries -
January was an interesting month. I’ve been training injured for over a month now. The lower ab strain I had is finally healing. It still hurts a bit when I cough but, other than that I’m fine. It’s been more of a frustration for me as I feel I’ve not been able to push as hard as I could have in my training sessions.
I suffered a second injury a couple weeks ago. In case you missed my facebook entry I was pushing my personal limits on a treadmill one Wednesday night. I ended up with a high groin pull which made me miss my Thursday work out. This injury scared me as I limped around the office the next day in pain and discomfort. I ended up with an easy swim on Friday morning and I tested the waters with a 4 to 5 mile run Friday evening. I could still feel the strain but, it wasn’t a training limiter. I went ahead with my weekend workout as planed.
A week after the injury I decided to push limits again. I was unaffected this time by the workout and I was pretty excited about that outcome. I’m fairly confident I had a running break through. I’m planning on incorporating this workout into my training. I’ll keep you posted. Once I see positive results I will share the details. I’m keeping my fingers crossed on this one.
- What’s new for 2012? -
This year I decided to start coaching. With a full time job, training and everyday life in hand I knew I would be really be stretching the hours in my day so I’ve set a limit of 3 to 5 clients. This is new uncharted territory for me and I’m so excited to have this opportunity. I truly enjoy this sport and all the benefits it has to offer. Please see my coaching information page for more detail.
I’m going to keep this post short and simple as I stare at the clock wishing I had more time to sleep. J
Thank you for reading this blog entry. As always feel free to email me any questions or comments you may have.
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