Legit, was the word teammate Robert used to describe this
race after it was all said and done. It was fitting in so many ways. I’m going
to try and give you an insight to my Spartan Beast experience. I’ve raced in
several other obstacle events, DFW Mud Run, Merrell Down and Dirty, Muddy Buddy
and now Spartan Beast. Just like triathlons Spartan hosts a range of events,
starting from a sprint ranging all the way up to an ultra.
The Spartan race was unique to the other mud run events in a
few ways. There wasn't a course layout, the run distance was not defined,
instead it was listed as 12 plus miles, and obstacles on the course were not
disclosed. I was fortunate enough to know a local Spartan Pro to get a glimpse
of what to expect with some of the obstacles. Oh, and one other thing, burpees!
Yes, there were plenty to be had if you were unable to complete an obstacle. If
you missed an obstacle you had to drop and do 30 burpees. A set of burpees
would easily tack on 2 ½ to 3 1/3 minutes to your run time. One can see how
complete the course burpee free would be an advantage.
Several of the obstacles required upper body and grip
strength. In no particular order there were two rope climbs, two pebble and
dirt 5 gallon bucket carrying stations, a 5 gallon cement bucket vertical pull,
traverse line, a sideways wall crawl, tractor tire flip, cement bucket carry,
and tire pull. There were also several
wall climbs, vertical log balance stations, cargo net, a 100 foot or so
barbwire crawl, a shorter barbwire crawl, a memorization challenge, and a few
water obstacles. At the finish there was one more small barbwire crawl, a inclined
roped wall climb, and a fire jump with several Spartan staff members waiting to
clock you with their oversized jousting clubs.
Pre race: Edward, Robert, EJ, Jordan, Nicole and Jennifer |
Inside the packet was
a bib number, a Spartan headband with your race number, and a wrist timing
chip. The writs timing chip was a first for me. I never had a chip on my wrist.
I thought it was pretty cool. I felt like I didn't have to worry about it
getting snagged on something while running or going through the obstacles
My choice race attire
was a pair of tri shorts, a Texas Health Resources fitted long sleeve top, a
beanie, a throw away long sleeve cotton shirt, and a pair of throw away
gloves. I also wore a hydration race
belt, and carried two 6 oz bottles with my nutrition in it. Since there was an
unknown race distance I had prepped my nutrition bottles for 3 hours of
running. If the course was fairly
consistent to last year’s course I figured I would finish around the 2 hr 30
minute mark. I had enough nutrition to carry me an additional 30 minutes if needed.
Our team signed up
for the elite wave which placed us on the start line for an 8 a.m. start time.
Standing at the start line I felt a bit unprepared. A couple months before the
race I envisioned a training plan that consisted of trail running, upper body
strength, and burpee workouts. During that training period I ended up nursing a
knee injury so my burpee routine never happened. I simply did not want to risk
reinjuring my knee. I tried hitting the pull up bar every now and then, but I
knew I had not put in the upper body strength work I needed to.
As I’m standing in the chilling 30 to 40 degree weather I
peeled off my throw away top, and listened to the MC go into, what appeared to
be a traditional Spartan start motivational speech to the athletes. I will
admit it was pretty cool, and got me pumped up a bit. As soon as the speech was
over we were off on to the course.
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As I made my way out of the water obstacle I tossed my wet
gloves, and quickly felt my feet were icy cold. There was not much I could do
about this, so I pressed on with frozen feet , and throbbing cold hands. We
pushed our way through several climbs where if you were not paying attention to
the white ribbon trail you could easily go off course. As tough as the trail
was I will admit it was fun. Some of the hills still had ice from the previous
week’s freeze. We scaled up and down hill sides for the first 4 to 5 miles. I
was able to successfully complete the obstacles along the way.
Early on my hands were numb from the wrist down. I came upon
an obstacle where I had to fill a five gallon bucket with pebbles and rocks
then carry it up and down a hill side without spilling any of the pebbles. We
had to carry the bucket up in front, with arms fully extended. We were not
allowed to put it up on our shoulders. I actually did really well on this
obstacle. I noticed I was walking up the hill, and was passing other athletes
who were putting their bucket down to take a break. I suddenly realized that
this could be a bad thing, because my hands from the wrist down were numb. My
first thought was, maybe I was cutting off the circulation to my fingers, and
didn’t know it. Maybe that’s why other athletes were putting their buckets down
to take a break. I decided to just go for it and finish off the obstacle.
Fortunately my fingers were fine after the race.
For the next three miles from 5 to mile 8 my feet were numb.
I’ve had numb feet before in a duathlon, where I was coming off a bike on to a
run. It’s a weird uncomfortable feeling when there is no feeling from your mid
foot to your toes. In this case my whole foot was numb from my heel to my toes.
At times I felt as if I had a clump of mud on the bottom of my shoe. When I
checked, and found nothing there, it played with my mind. I was once again
concerned about gaining feeling.
I arrived at the spear throw
obstacle with cold hands and cold feet. I grabbed a spear
closed my eyes, and flung it towards to the hay bail. I opened my eyes just in
time to see the spear hit the target. Score! Okay, okay, well it quite did not work out that way. My spear flew wide left and I proceeded to put in my first set of 30 burpees for the day. I dropped down into the push up position,and it was around my 5th burpee when I noticed that my left hand was landing on top of a piece of cactus. No bueno! I knew that would hurt later. Completing the set of burpees wasn’t as bad as I thought. In
fact I think it helped bring circulation to my feet, and hands.
Around mile 8 I could hear the crowd at the start line. I
thought to myself maybe we were going to be done well short of 12 miles. I knew
they had pulled some of the water obstacles out of the course so maybe, just
maybe the course distance was also cut short? I finally arrived back to the
start/finish I crossed over a cargo net obstacle, and as I pressed on the
course ended up flowing away from the start/finish area. After mile 8 my legs
finally warmed up and I was able to get into a run rhythm. Over the next
several miles the obstacles and trail seemed a bit easier, but honestly I was
tired of being cold. I was on mile 13, and was so ready to be done with the
race. The only thought running through my mind was the 12 plus mile
I hit one last aid station, and they said I was one mile
from the finish. I was pretty ecstatic to hear that news. I pushed and
somewhere in mile 14 I could hear the finish line crowed again. The last
quarter mile had four back to back obstacles.
The first obstacle was horizontal wall climb. There were little wood
numbs to step and grab onto as you made your way across the wall similar to a
rock climbing wall. I got onto the wall, and at first I took a good second to
figure out how approach the wall. I finally got the hang of it, and as my luck
would have it I had mud on the bottom of my shoe and as I placed my foot onto a
wooden peg it slipped and I fell off. I got up, and ran over to get my 30
burpees in.
After finishing my set the very next obstacle was a wet rope
climb which hovered over a body of water. I jumped into the water, and started
to climb the rope. My arms were shot from the set of burpees I just completed.
I decided it would be easier for me to give up on the rope climb, and do the 30
burpees. So I did. As I’m doing the burpees, I kept hearing the bell ring. The
bell is what was on the top of the rope climb, so every time it rang I knew
someone had just passed me. That was probably the most frustrating portion of
the race for me. I lost anywhere between 5 to 8 positions over the last two
obstacles. I picked myself up after my last burpee, made my way to the
wall climb, jumped over the fire wall, and pushed my way through the Spartan
jousting pounding. I crossed the finish line, and was now an official Spartan
finisher. I was excited to get the event behind me. It was no cake walk.
After picking up my bag I made the half mile walk to the
hotel, and immediately turned on the hot
water in the shower. I jumped into the hot water, and initially the water
hitting my feet and toes was very painful. I stood in the shower for roughly
twenty minutes before I thawed out.
Putting the race into prospective I have to give major props
to these Spartan warriors. I especially have to give kudos to the pro and non
pro Spartan athletes who did the Saturday race and came back on Sunday to do
the same course again. The Spartan training not only requires you to have
endurance, but you also have to have a solid core and upper body strength to carry you
through the obstacles. If you are looking for a way to challenge your body I recommend doing an Spartan event at least once.
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Race morning: Robert, Edward, Jordan, Nicole, Jennifer and EJ |
I'd like to say thank you to Texas Health Resources for inviting me out to this event. I also like to thank Shawn Feiock and the Texas Tough Spartans for inviting me out to their Sunday training session. If you are interested in doing a Spartan event and live in the North DFW area look these guys up. They are a great group of folks.
Here are a couple misc photos from the event.
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Traverse rope obstacle. |
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Burpees..! |
Thank you for reading my blog entry. As always feel free to email me any questions or comments you may have.